the Catalyst for the 2.0 Version of you


1:1 coaching program

the Catalyst for the 2.0 Version of you


1:1 coaching program

Keep yourself small by avoiding the nudges and let fear hold you back.

Look at other people who are living out their dreams and think “that could never be me.”

Are tired of finding yourself exhausted and unfulfilled day after day.

Are over dissociating for hours because you feel like you never get down time.

Are staying in a job that makes money but doesn’t make you happy.

Know you are meant for more but don’t know how to get there.

maybe you...

i'm ready to call in my highest self

I’ve had so many conversations with people who know they are made for more but are settling for less.

After years of being conditioned that life is meant to be hard or that you are not worthy enough to do the thing that makes you happy, it’s not easy to realize that life can be lived differently.

I am here to tell you, you are worthy of creating the best life for yourself.

shine so bright they can't run from the warmth of your glow

shine so bright they can't run from the warmth of your glow

Align to your true self
Step into your power and potential (aka realize who the FUCK you are)
Learn how your specific chart impacts your whole life
Own your inherent strengths + vulnerabilities
Open to your highest self and embrace the next level

if you desire to:

Highest self was made for you.

step into 2.0 you

what human design teaches us is that we are all unique.

what works for someone else might not work for you.

what human design teaches us is that we are all unique.

what works for someone else might not work for you.

You are ready to live a fulfilled life with ease.

You are sick of pushing up against life and are ready to live in harmony with it.

You recognize patterns that continue to show up in your life and are ready to break them.

You struggle with self sabotage and continue engaging in actions, behaviors or beliefs that don’t serve you.

Highest Self
was designed for you if:

i'm ready

You will learn how your specific chart impacts the way you work, live and function so you get to step into the highest version of yourself.

You will  move through your limiting beliefs and discontinue the cycle.

You will connect deeper to your intuition so you can make empowered decisions and take aligned action moving forward.

You will have the opportunity to uncover the blocks that keep you from manifesting your dream life.

Highest Self...


You will learn how your specific chart impacts the way you work, live and function so you get to step into the highest version of yourself.

You will move through your limiting beliefs and discontinue the cycle.

You will connect deeper to your intuition so you can make empowered decisions and take aligned action moving forward.

You will have the opportunity to uncover the blocks that keep you from manifesting your dream life.

Highest Self...


What's included

2 months
8 weekly sessions
human design readings
astrology insight
inner child healing
emotional processing
body trauma releasing

What's included:

2 months
8 weekly sessions
human design readings
astrology insight
inner child healing
emotional processing
body trauma releasing

Week By Week Break Down:

week 1: welcome – highest self visualization

week 2-4: get to know you – human design readings

week 5: integration week

week 6-7: subconscious healing – inner child work

week 8: closing ceremony – step into your highest self



*payment plans available*

i'm ready

Week By Week Break Down:

week 1: welcome – highest self visualization

week 2-4: get to know you – human design readings

week 5: integration week

week 6-7: subconscious healing – inner child work

week 8: closing ceremony – step into your highest self



*payment plans available*

i'm ready

Program love

"Working with Helen has been such a pleasure and a positive experience in my life. Working with her has already caused a ripple in ways that I didn't think could happen. The way she lays out all the aspects and specifics about Human Design is so clear and concise but also how down to the detail she presents the information about YOU. I feel like I not only learned so much about Human Design but also scarily accurate information about myself. Which made a lot of sense! I felt incredibly seen, heard, and validated while working with Helen. She is an incredible guide with her meditations (her voice is also SO calming) and she always provides a clear overview of the session, notes, topics of conversation, and questions/journaling prompts to leave you with until the next session. She is reliable and consistent - things I really value. I am so excited to continue working with Helen and cannot recommend the course more."


"Working with sweet Helen was truly an eye opening experience. She takes the pieces of your life and puts them together to create the human design puzzle of who we are. It is a gratifying and deeply resonating experience to be walked through the information with Helen. She is soft, kind, and your biggest cheerleader through it all. She is immensely knowledgeable and passionate about the subject - and it shows! From her ability to answer all of your questions to making sense of an intricate framework and presenting it to you with clarity. I would highly recommend working with Helen if you want to learn about your human design chart - which I think is valuable information for each and every one of us. I am grateful for everything I learned from Helen - it will help me communicate with others, better care for myself, make business decisions, and so much more. Thank you Helen!!"


"Human Design was something I heard about through Lena a few years back & I was always curious but never took the time to really dive deep into my own human design chart. During the course, Lena helped me to learn so much about my human design chart & who I am as a person. Each week I felt as though I was getting to know myself better - I was learning things that validated the way that I am living life is the way I should be living life. Lena is a true natural at coaching & teaching, she was able to explain things in a way that was digestible & easy to understand. I cannot wait to continue to learn from Lena!"


"Lena helped me to really accept myself the way that I am. Through her expertise, I learned so much about why I operate the way that I do and it really gave me a lot of grace for myself. She lead some quick meditations and was so intentional about every aspect of these sessions. She’s incredibly knowledgeable and insightful and I felt like in just 3 sessions we were able to answer some deep, deep questions about myself that I have not found even after years and years of therapy. I loved every second of working with her!"


hi, I'm helen

I have two names: Helen + Lena. You can call me whatever you like, I don’t have a preference.

In Human Design I am a 2/4 Emotional Manifesting Generator.

In Astrology I am a Virgo Sun, Libra Moon and Leo Rising.

I live in Brooklyn with my husband Bill... we just got married last year!

here are a few things about me...

I am here to:

hi, I'm helen

I have two names: Helen + Lena. You can call me whatever you like, I don’t have a preference.

In Human Design I am a 2/4 Emotional Manifesting Generator.

In Astrology I am a Virgo Sun, Libra Moon and Leo Rising.

I live in Brooklyn with my husband Bill... we just got married last year!

here are a few things about me...

I am here to:

Help you put the puzzle pieces of your life together
Validate you and your energy
Catalyze you forward
Answer some of the deepest questions you have about yourself
Clearly explain your energy and why your work the way you do
Help you feel seen, heard and validated
Give you direction and encouragement
Cheer you on through the highs and lows

I am here to:

if you're not feeling ready to invest... check out my HD Readings

human design reading

if you're not feeling ready to invest... check out my HD Readings

human design reading

I am here to:

keep up with me on instagram